New Release : Wolfblood

It’s been a long time coming, but I finally have a new release!

Bookcover for Wolfblood by Kim Knox


Magick and Monsters : Book One

I wasn’t supposed to want him. Need him. My wolf. My blood-mate.

A wolf-less runt like me wasn’t supposed to do or want a lot of things.

Yet, here I am out on a rare moon in the wet and the dark, hunting down the man who was the other half of my soul.

No matter the cost.


“Arrogant, stupid, selfish…arsehole!

I clacked my teeth together before more bitter words broke from me. Because this was fucking idiotic.

And freezing.

I pulled at my scarf, urging the thick wool around my neck and tucking my chin and nose into its warmth. The huff of my breath still escaped, forming a white mist, and I shivered. Around me the wood was thick-black, heavy with the spike of dense branches and no hint of the silvered moon that gleamed in the chilled sky.

My torch cut a white light through the darkness, picking out gnarled tree roots and the wet stink of fallen leaves. Little animal feet skittered away from its brightness through the leaf-litter and I tramped on. No attempt made to be silent as I huffed and swore and my heavy boots snapped over twigs and rotted bark or sloshed through sucking mud.

Why should I be quiet?

I wasn’t the one hiding.

No, I was heading into a dank and freezing forest instead of being wrapped up in blankets before the drugging heat of an open fire, or sinking into an old and comfy chair in the local pub, or…well, anything other than hunting for the big, hulking coward that was Kerr Lennox.

My supposed blood-mate.

I thought…I thought expressing my interest would be a sensible conversation before the moon took him. Well, maybe not sensible. I had declared his argument, his position…crap, after all.

But something where there was warmth, a fire. Tea. Wine, if it was going well.


My belly twisted, the fear pushing up through the bitterness to catch my heart in an old pain. The one pinned, however unwanted, under everything. That he…he would rather face a withering and lonely death than bind himself to me. Be with me. Because…because I was broken.

You can buy it in at these links and it’s also free through Kindle Unlimited.

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